There is no snobbery going on. For $1000, Mr. Godays work is just that, a $1000 stock job. Thats not a bash and if you're taking it that way, that was not my intention.

Old Colonel,
Regardles of the style of locks, the inletting on a high quality stock job will look very similar to the pictures of the inletting that SDH posted. Take a look at any H&H sidelock, new or old, the inletting looks nothing like Mr. Godays work and I suspect that 95% of Mr. Godays work is done on H&H style sidelocks. Like I said earlier, Mr. Goday has cut corners inletting the stock, which is fine if you're someone who doesnt care much about the finer details of stockmaking. There are many here who could give a rats ass how the inside of the stock looks, most people are more concerned with how the stock looks and feels externally anyways. I understand all of that.

Adam is young...he has alot to learn yet. He's got a good headstart, but he still has lots to learn.
And Homelessjoe is un biased when it comes to being rude, its what he does, again...get used to it, everyone else has.
