I tried man, I really did. Gotta figure this out on your own I guess. Happy trails.

Dustin [/quote]

You did good Dustin!

I thought of a couple of analogies to use but the best one that I can think of is this. Lets use a new Corvette vs a new Ferrari Italia. The Corvette is just as or nearly as fast as the Ferrari, it gets you where you want to go, it's cool to look at, everything about a new Corvette says "I want one". I want the Ferrari given the choice but hey I can't afford either one.

There is one thing that just drives me crazy and apparently no one else cares about it..... the "fill in point pattern" thing. It's like finger nails on a black board to me!!!!!!!!! BTW, the checkering is poorly executed, but I guess if you don't see it then you don't care.

Doug Mann