Gentlemen: I want a bird dog that is intelligent, has the world's best nose, that seeks out objectives, uses the wind to their advantage and that has loads of stamina. These things cannot be taught to a dog. It is innate and most of these dogs are born bird dogs. I have found this in a strain of English Pointer and I personally will stick with that breed. I have had several setters along the way which turned out to be pretty good dogs but it seemed like it took forever to get there. They matured more slowly than the pointers and were of a softer nature. It is harder to find a setter with loads of stamina. I think there are good and even great dogs in all sporting breeds, but I think you have a better chance of getting a GREAT dog if you go with the more traditional breeds. IMHO, and for me, that is the English Pointer.

Socialism is almost the worst.