Originally Posted By: PA24

.......Very dumb Idea.......send old guns in for destruction........

If you are a worry wart, send your guns over there for proof, or move there..........
Doug: I can see that this discussion regarding a proof house is unpopular with you and I knew prior to starting this thread it would be unpopular with many. But, the reality is there are UNSAFE guns out there. I am not worried about you or me or many others of this forum. We understand guns and know things (eg, barrel wall thickness less than .020 " is NOT terribly safe) that other more ignorant people don't know. Golly, there are people of this forum who think sleeving is synonymous with a monobloc. My point is there are people selling unsafe guns either because of ignorance or unscrupulous and unethical behavior. A proof house would serve to protect the unsuspecting consumer.

Socialism is almost the worst.