I agree 100%. I have e-mail friend in England who, like me, likes the great M12 pump- he was looking at one for sale there- and in our discussions, if he were to visit the USA and buy one here, he would have to have it proofed in England, and not only that- those here who know the M12 know you don't normally remove the magazine cap to add or remove the three shot plug mandated by a 1935 Act for migratory bird shooting-- But that is NOT sufficient for the Brits-their regs mandate all repeaters have the magazine tune CRIMPED" TO LIMIT THE NUMBER OF SHELLS- NOT PLUGGED WITH A REMOVEABLE PLUG- AS IS LEGAL HERE- Boy Howdy- we already have a BATF(E) staffed by Holder, with the brain trust of an African pygmy and the reactions of a member of the Hitler Youth- re: fast and Furious FUBAR in mexico- so now we enable the POTUS (read anti-2nd. Amendment loud and clear) and other Eric Holder/Sarah Brady Bill Bunch &^%$#s-- to set up a proof house-

Are you gonna send your GrandDad's leFever Optomist Grade off to the Disney Land on the Potomac to have it checked over by some Civil Service schmucks? I don't think so- be verrrrry careful what you wish for on this Proof business- verrrrry careful indeed!!!

"The field is the touchstone of the man"..