Hello, I agree with Mike. I'm a retired MSG (US Army) and I can attest to what Mike has said. There is NO slush funds that I was ever aware of. Now, I have loaned money to a couple of my troops (this can be a very bad idea, but you have to judge the situation at hand). Money can be very tight, especially for those troops who are in the E-1 to E-5 pay grades, the moves, deployments and cost of living off post (if approved) can really strap a family.

The Army frowns on debt and many who want to make the Army their home for 20 years will do anything to stay out of debt. You don't know how many calls you get from used car dealers etc wanting their payments, prior to pay day. So I can see were some guys pawn lots of their stuff. Believe me, there are more Pawn Stores and other "Businesses" that prey on young soldiers outside of a base than you can shake a stick at.

As to this situation, I don't know all the facts. It does seem like the Pawn Store owner is being a good soul. I think he's loaning the money on faith more than anything.

As Mike said, just my 2c

All the best!


Gregory J. Westberg