I agree in principle with what you have said about Pawnbrokers- there are three segments of any economy that will always prosper in tough times: Pawnshops, Auctioneers and Funeral Directors-

I spoke at length with Bryan, he is not a Veteran, but he agreed to return the two Purple Hearts to the soldier in need. Not just so much due to the Holiday spirit (Scrooge sees the light, so to speak) but because he told me I didn't badger him to do this, as some other callers may have done- He also saw something about this on the News web, and had pretty much decided to do this anyway, so he is on my "good guy" list--

I recall a lot of the off-base Stateside car dealers, pawn shops, schlock jewelry stores- that preyed without mercy on the junior NCO's- and in the USMC you are that when you make E-4-- Corporal-- Read the story of our legendary sniper Gunny Carlos Hathcock when he was a a Pfc. or even L/Cpl and wanted to get married at LeJeune--his CO was strongly against this, and this was in 1962--

I do not follow the Huffington news line, so I am grateful to my friend George Lander for posting this here, for our response. We as a Country ask our young men to go into Harm's Way, but when they return, especially wounded, sometimes it seems that we "look the other way"-- Not in this case, however- Semper Fi!!!

"The field is the touchstone of the man"..