Originally Posted By: RHD45
Anyone that ever spent anytime in the military can tell you that 18-20'ish soldiers,marines,airmen and sailors are not,as a rule,smart with their money.Alcohol,testosterone,buddies,etc. all conspire to make you spend it as fast as you get it in most cases. Most outfits have someone who serves as a "bank" for his less frugal buddies and loans money out on a regular basis.I can believe anything when it comes to money and the military.

RHD nails it! I spent a few years, enlisted at good ole Ft Bragg in the late 1990s. The young enlisted personnel were the worst at personal finances. I didn't dabble in the all weekend binge drinking fests and strip club crawl on the weekends after payday but I knew plenty of younger soldiers who did. They were always flat broke. A lot did not grow out of their bad habits when they rose into the junior NCO ranks.

I have also seen young enlisted soldiers just spend their money frivolously without care, racking up major credit card debt on crap they really could live without.

I would want to find out more about this soldier's predicament and how he got there in the first place before jumping on the bandwagon and offer my sympathy for his current situation that he finds himself in.