Or be walking around with a limp from a set of broken kneecaps- I love to play poker- 7 card stud- but stayed away from the crap games, still won't touch dice today unless I'm playing Monopoly.
Lotsa sharks preying on soldiers and Marines--I enlisted in 1960 and was Hon. Discharged in 1970-- two 4 year hitches plus the NCo extensions after the Tet FUBAR occured- I had EOD at CourtHouse bay- Lejeune-USMC Engr. School- and aced it- loved to drop trees in those chigger infested swamps with a girdle of C-4 primed with Det Cord--possibly due to my experiences as a lad with farmers- blowing out stumps and large rocks with a stick of "DuPont persuasion" and into a crevice packed with nitrogen fertilizer damped with kerosene- Ka-Boom--

I have read all the posts here- My personal take on this- This soldier earned two Purple Hearts- that is telling to me- he wasn't some REMF or 'sick-bay commando" and I will always allow extra "slack' for any combat decorated soldier, sailor, airman or Marine- Just my thoughts!!

"The field is the touchstone of the man"..