A note about a pair of the aforementioned type of guns written to "Mr. Lancaster" (H.A.A. Thorn)

8 December, 1888

Dear Sir,

The four breech-loading hammerless guns you built for me are, in my opinion, as near perfection as is possible to get them. The pair of 20-bores (weight 5 pounds, 2 ounces), I have been using now nearly two years. I find them just as tight and sound as when new; I have never had any repairs except having the locks cleaned. The pair of 12-bores (6 pounds) are as good as the 20s.

Since using your guns, and receiving a few lessons from you at your splendid shooting grounds, my shooting in the field has so much improved that now I always make a good score, even at fast and difficult birds. With many thanks for the pains you have taken in making me such perfect fitting and fine shooting guns.

I am, gratefully yours,

(Little Sure Shot)

Last edited by Rookhawk; 12/27/11 06:31 PM.