The wearing of "hunter orange" is not only stupid and tasteless (it actually hurts the eye and human soul to look at it) but stands as another government intrusion into personal freedom.

I hunted through the 1950s and "60s when there were no such laws. Oddly, sportsmen could tell the difference between human beings and game back then. Hunting "accidents" were few. Sportsmen were expected to conduct themselves with caution and respect, and generally did. Then hunting became an "industry" and idiots became of age.

To capitalise on this, some fool created hunter orange cloth. Then sold it to governments on the basis that it would "reduce accidents." Kind of like the Center High-Mounted Stop Lamp on cars and trucks was going to "reduce accidents" on the highway. Supported by junk science, both hoaxes were sold to the fools in government.

Result: Only a PORTION of hunters are forced to wear such a ridiculous clown costume afield. As Mr. Brown states, waterfowlers and bow hunters do NOT. Even though their seasons often overlap those of others.

So... I suppose the government fools are not worried about bow hunters being shot out of trees during grouse season... or duck hunters being pelted with steel shot across the marsh?

It's all a SCAM, gentlemen... designed to feed an "industry" !! And the only people who believe it prevents injury are the same sort of dupes who believe pheasants are six feet high... and unions save jobs!

I say burn all the bloody "hunter orange" !!

Then learn gun handling safety.