Originally Posted By: Lucky1
When you are laying out there bleeding to death I'm sure knowing that the shooter will be prosecuted for "criminal negligence" will give you a lot of comfort!
I wear it because I want to, not that I have to.

That's the point I'm making, there are way too many people out there hunting that shouldn't be. So we have to have it legislated that we need to wear blaze orange so the slob hunters don't mistake a human being for a 12 point buck.

In fact, last I checked there were still people being shot "accidentally" even though they were wearing blaze orange. Maybe hunting in general is just too dangerous even with people wearing BO. We should pass some laws to outlaw hunting, because isn't even one hunting death too many?

The point is, it is irrelevant what color we are required to wear. Education of young hunter's by hunting ed teachers and especially parents is the only thing that is going to reduce and eliminate hunting related shootings.

And I stand by my statement that if you are shooting at a spot that you wouldn't be able to tell if a person was there, unless they were wearing blaze orange, it is not a shot you should be taking in the first place. If people we being rightfully prosecuted for negligent hunting shootings, maybe the next moron would think twice before unloading his SKS rifle magazine at a deer running though a popple stand and shoot someone who is wearing blaze orange.

“I left long before daylight, alone but not lonely.”~Gordon Macquarrie