I hardly care one way or another about blaze orange. I am only agreeing with other posters that the color offends. I am quite certain that if my bathroom was painted blaze orange I would never again have a happy bowel movement.

My second post came after viewing a construction project outside my window. The customary blaze orange signs and barricades are erected everywhere. After taking in the scene I believe blaze orange is an acutely offensive hue. One wants to back away from it.

Im not concerned that I will be accidentally shot for lack of orange. The law does not require me to wear orange. Sometimes I do, sometimes I dont. I am sorry some find that unacceptable. I dont care what you do.

Oh, and somebody raised the topic of my self-indulgence. I guess Im less social than some of you. Good internet diagnosis. Honestly though, choosing my own clothing color isnt a very satisfying, as far as self-indulgence goes.