Originally Posted By: Daryl Hallquist
Martin, this may help a bit on your last question. I have roughly a dozen original contracts between Anson/Deeley, Westley Richards, Mr. Couchman, and other makers such as W C Scott, Bentley and Playfair, Charles Osborn, etc licensing the use of various patents, starting with the A and D patent of 1875 . Some of these require the licensee to deliver the various guns or rifles made with these patents to the licensor for inspection and approval. I think at this point, the guns or rifles would have been marked by the licensor. At least that is my impression reading the handwritten contracts. I would assume their might be a similar arrangement made if guns and rifles were made in Belgium, France, or ?? , but logistics would possibly prohibit sending the guns or rifles to the licensor. It sounds like the use mark numbers were the requirements of the licensor, and not a government requirement.

Hi Daryl,

that is most interesting information! And yes, this answer my question quiet well. So you have roughly a dozen of original contracts between WR and some licensees?? Wow. How did you get them? I’d be most interested to see at least one of them.



Last edited by sauerfan; 01/11/12 12:51 PM.