Originally Posted By: King Brown
Jim, I don't know where you see a race card. I said in one post that I didn't know why people made so much of constitutional rights which are trampeled every day, and in following post provided examples of two open wounds because our countries haven't empowered the words. That's not racist. That's our history. Sensitivity is another issue.

Such interesting ideas keep surfacing in this thread.

King, could it be that people make much of their constitutional rights precisely because so many politicians, the judiciary and elements of law enforcement are constantly trying to disallow or to ignore those constitutionally enshrined rights, to suit their short term purposes or to engage in social engineering that doesn't yet have the support of the majority.

The never ending analysis of the second amendment is fascinating to me, because while it's words are clear and the benefit, as envisioned by the authors, is clear, it is constantly picked apart by those who would prefer that only the authorities have access to firearms.

Last edited by canvasback; 02/11/12 10:53 PM.

The world cries out for such: he is needed & needed badly- the man who can carry a message to Garcia