Originally Posted By: AmarilloMike
Go to the advanced search function, search the Misfires section for the key word "Kenyan". Tens of reasons show up right there.

The best reason is that we don't want all that partisan political discussion and it's derivitives in this forum.

Keith your ability to type long paragraphs repeating yourself does not make you right, just persistent.

Keith the deleted thread was neither started by me nor did I have the last post on it. You state as fact my motive. How did you know that. Did I PM you or email you my motive.? It was not what you stated.

Oh Mike, Mike, Mike, you most certainly did PM me about the ed1 thread. And guess what? I have not deleted it from my messages. Your first PM to me about it was on 11/30/11 at 10:43PM, and your follow up came on 12/4/11 at 7:43AM. The title header on your PM is "My Tussle With Ed". Am I ringing any bells here? I could copy and paste it here, but why cause you the embarrassment you've tried to cause me? I can't say who initiated the thread, because it is gone from the archives and nobody who participated shows a post being made in that thread from the "users posts" section. One thing I will state with certainty is that you absolutely dominated that thread. You had multiple, long, repetitive, posts. And not one of them had anything to do with the subject matter that the DoubleGun BBS is supposed to contain if we are following the rules. You did in fact state your motive to convince Dave to permanantly suspend Ed within your posts. You can deny it all you want but there are too many folks, especially Ed, who have not forgotten. So please don't come here saying I was imputing your motives. I did strongly agree with what you were saying and offered my support in that thread. That is why you PM'd me to thank me. Your welcome.

Now onward to your second attempt to bring the politics pertaining to birther threads which ran in Misfires into this forum. You keep saying you don't want that stuff here, but it is you and only you who is attempting to bring it here. Nobody else. What are you trying to pull? I almost rose to the bait the first time but I decided to let it go knowing it would come back again. And well, guess what?... you brought it back again... Proof positive that you, one of the main opponents to political topics that have nothing to do with Double Guns, is trying his damnedest to get those topics rolling here. Nice try. Better luck next time. To paraphrase one of my now deceased mentors, I'm too old of a cat to get screwed by kittens.

My ability to write long paragraphs repeating myself may not make me right. Nor does repeating yourself make you right. But it should be now apparent to all that you are saying one thing and doing another in this thread. Pious preaching means little when you are yourself doing what you've told the congregation not to do.

I admit, I am persistant, as are you. This back and forth banter could go on until one of us has fingers so arthritic we can no longer type. I have said I always enjoyed your posts whether they were strictly on topic or not. I agree with 99.9% of everthing I've read from you. We obviously will never agree on this one issue. Big deal. I wouldn't mind if it ended because I have better things to do and I'm sure you do as well.

Whether gun right topics are allowed to remain here in the future is entirely up to our host. I think they ought to remain here because they are important to our continued right to own and shoot doubles. Alternately, I also like Canvasbacks suggestion that Gun Rights rise to the top of the menu, which apparently has worked well in the Canadian GunNutz forum. I think we could police ourselves, with gentle reminders from time to time, and have a useful resource and dialog.

That said, I'm ready for a cease-fire and truce whenever everybody else is. I'm not close to running out of gas, but we've all had our fun and we've made our points. Name a date, name a time, and I'll even let you have the last word. It would be nice if we could end this as friends, or at least friendly.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.