What an interesting post about your Highams being built by Scott.
Here is some more ingrediants for the cake we are all baking.George Higham founded his business in Oswestry a market town on the Welsh border with England.His business expanded and he opened shops in Liverpool, Warrington, Weshpool (in Wales) and Bridgnorth a town on the river Severn where drovers crossed the river from Wales to sell cattle and sheep in Birmingham.Liverpool was a major port where ships sailed to Africa to exchange metal goods including Birmingham made guns for African labour (slaves) these Africans were then transported to America.George Higham as well as being a gunmaker was also an International Footballer who played for Wales.One of the first car owners in the Welsh border country he was killed when his car overturned off a drovers road and landed in the stream below, killing George and his wife.The bodies were found when the family Jack Russell returned home alone.His surviving sons and daughters emigrated to Australia and South Africa where they set up Gunsmithing business's in Sydney and Cape Town.
I have a delightful 4lb 10oz E J Higham of Warrington 28 guage.
This fascination with the Welsh border country for Birmingham gunmakers is a story in itself, as Greener built his big house not far from Oswestry in a place on the Welsh coast called Barmouth.