Thanks very much Smallbore
This is stretching luck, I'm sure,..but would that move a Non Antique gun, steel bbl from the Stock,action, for end lots ,& chopped as shown to some other category where it might be shipped as "Parts" or obsolete , or sonething without all red tape??
I'm thinking nnooooo, to easy smile
But if was going to go the sleeving rout,I'd have someone like John Foster do it, & have it re then I'm back to Importing a "Whole, shootable" gun...grrrrr lol
But I was curious about the cut bbls....And how it might affect getting it to the US
thank you
I will be going back to England in august,first time in 10 years mum turns 90, I'll be in Surrey for a week , then a few days B&B down to area in Somerset where I grew up..or was supposed to have smile
I haven't been to that are in 45 might be an emotional visit...we'll see
thnx again