Hi Claybird,

Im working on my escape right now. I was recently widowed and am now planning on purchasing a used motor home or travel trailer and moving into it. I figure I can spend late winter through late summer cruising the US and Canada. Fall and winter through January will be spent doing upland hunting in eastern Montana, the Dakotas, Kansas, and Iowa (pheasant) Minnesota and Wisconsin (grouse). I dont have a problem with cold weather but I do have a problem with seasonal affected disorder (SAD) do to the lack of sunlight during northern winters, so at beginning of February its back to Texas, sunshine and geological consulting. I dont know about you but I dont call any particular place home, for me the entire United States of America is my home.

If the plan I have is of interest PM me, Im a research junky and have given in-depth thought to this entire plan and would be happy to share.


Last edited by Rockdoc; 03/14/12 04:30 PM.

Approach life like you do a yellow light - RUN IT! (Gail T.)