Why no. I think congress should immediately put a $15 per gallon tax on automobile and truck fuels and a 300% tax on natural gas used for home heating a a $100 a ton tax on coal used for generating electricity.

I am sure the great depression retarded global warming. Economic and recreational activity down by 30%, that was bound to slow global warming.

Of course as I remember what I read the actual rise in average global temperatures is 1.2 degrees Celsius for the last 200 years, whatever the root cause. But I think World Wide Depression Number Two and the ensuing social upheaval is a small price to pay to keep it from going up another degree or two.

The winter of 2010-2011 was one of the coldest we ever had here and the summer of 2011 was one of the hottest. So do you chart the average of 10 days, 10 months, 10 years, 10 decades, 10 centuries or 10 millenia when you are proving global warming?

The root causes of global warming are humans having unprotected sex and Penicillin. So why don't the sky-is-falling people address the root causes instead of the symptoms? I don't think they are going to have any more luck persuading the world to stop $crewing or treating their sick kids with penicillin than they are having persuading it to stop burning oil, gas, and coal.



I am glad to be here.