Originally Posted By: nca225
I love it. All you need is one article from one professor, and the consensus of the world's climate scientists is debunked.

That's not "one article from one professor", it's an assembly of provable facts in one location, demonstrating that the earth's temperature has been changing throughout it's existence. As well, there is not a consensus.

Like shotgunjones, I'm not in favour of pollution, but that is not what the global warming alarmists are on about.

My biggest beefs with "global warming" are that it takes away attention and funds from other, far more impactful attacks on real sources of pollution and loss of diversity of habitat throughout the world as well as spreading the unsupportable idea that the temperature trends being noticed, are man made in nature.

Climate scientists can't get the forecast right for a month from now in any local area. What makes you think they are getting this right.

The world cries out for such: he is needed & needed badly- the man who can carry a message to Garcia