Originally Posted By: craigd
Originally Posted By: nca225

....the vast majority of scientists that researched the issue are concluding that climate change is happening and it is being manipulated by human activities. I trust that.

So, what are you doing about it, and why isn't it enough. Can't you give up a little more both in money and carbon dioxide production. Or, is this another example of, turn it over to the government, they can tax the masses. Let the celebrities jet off to climate change summits, and dictate to the peasants. Why don't you step up and educate on the value of necessarily skyrocketing the energy costs of the poor and uneducated.

I drive a small compact car with low emissions and I recycle. When I am in a position to refurbish my heating system, I have passive solar designs I would like to implement along with changing to a low emission fuel source such a NG. But thats in the future still. I am not in control of the world such that I can implement and enforce policy to address our part in climate change. But what little I do, is done in the right direction.

I dont suppose you have any efforts that you can speak of which I find somewhat revealing. You always cry about our Government writing checks the next generation will be burdened with and have to come good on, yet you ignore the crisis that climate change is going to present. That is a very big check that will greatly burden future generations whom will not be so apt to recover from.

But hey, if it doesn't affect you, why bother?

Last edited by nca225; 03/19/12 01:22 PM.

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