Originally Posted By: canvasback

So I would suggest that nca225 read Gnomon's post several times until he really understands it.

Man made global warming is currently a hypothesis subscribed to by some number of people. That includes some scientists and a whole lot of others for whom belief in it has become a religion.

As well, there are a significant number of others, scientists and non scientist, for whom the evidence put forth to date is inconclusive. Inconclusive about whether it is man made and inconclusive about whether it is even a long (in geological terms) term trend.

Would you care to provide some information on the ratio of scientists in favor of climate change as manipulated by man made activities to those who favor the model that current climate change is just part of a historic cycle and not being manipulated by man made activities?

From the way you present it, it seems that support in the scientific community for the position against is as strong as support for the position that it is being manipulated by man made activities. Its not. Its not even close.

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