Originally Posted By: canvasback
Originally Posted By: cpa
Canvasback - "Climate scientists can't get the forecast right for a month from now in any local area. What makes you think they are getting this right."
Shotgun Jones - "...you may come to the conclusion as I did that man-caused climate change is a hoax."
I should have been more specific and written man-made global warming, but I thought everyone knew that's what was being discussed. Climatologists don't generally forecast a month in advance or for local areas - that's the province of meteorologists.

• "The universe is not required to be in perfect harmony with human ambition." Carl Sagan

cpa, like nca225, you either miss my point or are purposely avoiding it.

My point being that most "deniers" I am aware of are prepared to consider climate is changing.....as it has constantly over the last 600 million years at least. What we consider not to be proven is that man's activities over the last 150 years have had any significant impact on that possible climate change.

And my point being that I don't like nca225 saying I have said something I haven't. Words, in fact, are important.

What statement of yours did I misrepresent?

BTW I'm aware that you believe its part of a pattern and not being manipulated by man made activities.

I propose you consider the momentous scale of the negative and destructive effects of climate change that is changing at a rate different then the historical patterns and in a way that favors more destructive climatic events. For an example of such a way, consider the recent storms in the south east of the county that produced more tornadoes in one day then what historical patterns would indicate for an entire month. Same storm was the size of a hurricane as it was observed from space. The Defense Department even has concerns of mass famine, drought, and population shift as ecosystems across the world change.

You are right, we can not predict with certainty when the seas will rise and consume much of Florida, Louisiana or parts India or China. This is not a Katrina sized event here, and we know how well america dealt with that. Do you know what the models predict if we loose the ice caps? They are receding.

First you need address that the problem exists. To correct it you find the source of the problem. Without doing that you cant fix it.

The vast majority of independent scientists who are tasked with addressing this issue say its man made activities that is the culprit.

Considering the possible outcomes presented by climate change, I think its a nobel goal to work to address and ameliorate it. Other's mileage may vary and they, as many do, may wish ignore our part in it.

Shitty thing is we are all stuck with the same consequences, and being able to say I told you so isn't going to make me feel any better about it. I just hope my time comes before the worst of it is realized.

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