Aw geez, I was reading along happily until I got to this post, and I just can't let it go.

People often make fun of science because results and conclusions change as more data is collected and things consistent with the data of 20 years ago are now known to be wrong. But falsification is an absolute necessity of something "scientific" - one has to be able to falsify a theory or it isn't part of science. You cannot disprove the existence of god but it is conceivable to disprove the theory of evolution - just collect enough data that contradict the model. In fact, it is absolutely essential that the theory of evolution is falsifiable

I don't know if this post indicates a lack of understanding of scientific method and basic statistics, or just a too-casual use of language. Scientists do not "falsify" a theory, although they can use data to refute a theory. Some of them have been known to use data selectively to support a theory.
it is absolutely essential that the theory of evolution is falsifiable
This is just plain wrong. The theory of evolution is a theory, not a fact, although the validity of the theory is well supported by lots and lots of empirical data. One cannot "falsify" a theory, but one can develop data sets that refute a theory. Bring enough of that data and the theory loses credibility in the scientific community, but it can still be a valid theory worthy of further investigation, simply because new data may be found that do support the theory.