Gnomoron, is that the best you can do? You did claim that I claimed to have "knowledge" about you. There is absolutely nothing incorrect about that. Well, I guess I did make the erroneous assumption that you have reading comprehension.

Again, you resort to the "I have superior wouldn't understand" tactic. I think probably every science lab student realizes that the "experiments" they are assigned to perform are replicating previous work by science researchers or even discoveries made by happy accident.

Dissecting our replies and criticizing them based solely on semantics shows desperation on your part in addition to your dishonest approach.

Nice try though. I'm beginning to see why it doesn't bother you that non-citizens and dead Democrats are used to steal elections. How much did you have to pay someone to take your SAT for you?

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.