Tony is no mere rookie author but a real craftsman—and what lessons for life we can all learn by his character... I'm thrilled Ralph suggested the story and Tony agreed. We all hope this will give his book wider publicity and consequently deliver more money to the fund he's set up for his children's future.

After speaking with Tony, I think we'll focus on the Grant sidelock in the column, as that received the "Full Monty" restoration, and involved other craftsmen who have helped his development and deserve recognition. As an example, I also think that gun illustrates a lot of techniques and philosophies he's learned in a very short time. Plus, for goodness sake, it's a Grant!

Obviously the many participants on Dave Weber's site have been a huge part of Tony's story, and will be integral to it—credit where credit is due.

As Tony suggested (pleads) please post questions you'd like to see addressed, or PM Tony. Given space constraints we can't promise all will be addressed but they will all guide the shape of his story. Thanks y'all.