Originally Posted By: Gnomon

craig, for the last time, one cannot discuss global warming unless we all know what science is, its methodologies and how conclusions are drawn and what they mean.

That is not a diversion.

End of line

I was afraid this was going to happen. It appears we have been cast into the darkness. We have all been deemed unworthy of debating The Great Gnomoron. Replacement, with his three advanced degrees and closing in on a doctorate is unworthy. Little 'ol me with a lowly bachelors degree... forget about it. Craigd and most of the rest? What are you guys thinking? We are all mere mortals and thus unworthy. Beat your breast and repent!

I do note that nca225 is worthy of discourse with The Great Gnomoron. This can only mean one thing, and agnostics should take note... The gods do exist and care and take pity on the ignorant.

Yet, it thus appears that The Great Gnomoron will no longer grace us with his infinite knowledge. It is only logical to assume that he will not be back because none here are worthy. Why would such a Great and Worshipful Master waste another minute here? In his own great words he hath sayeth, "This is not a diversion." And thence came a great thunderclap and he sayeth, "End of line".

Woe unto us!

One can imagine that he is now ascending into the heavens and will be seated atop Mt. Olympus beside Zeus. Together, they shall engage in Greek culture, and I'm not talking about a frat party. There, he will be encircled by the spirits of mankinds' greatest minds such as Ptolomy, Einstein, Tesla, Newton, Boyle, Archimedes, Plato, Aristotle, Galileo, DaVinci, Kant, Michelangelo, Bohr, Watson, Crick, Darwin, Faraday, Locke, Kepler, Descartes, Borjes, Cervantes, Goethe, Pauling, Pascal, and many others. Thomas Jefferson will be cast out for his wicked Republican thoughts. In a noble nod to political correctness and cultural diversity, George Washington Carver will have a special place at The Great Gnomoron's feet. And there, for all eternity, they will be enthralled by his wisdom and greatness.

Cherubim and Seraphim will cease singing when he speaks.

And we, the wretched mortals that he has cast into the darkness, will wail and gnash our teeth. We will eat bitter herbs and unleavened bread and wander alone in the desert for forty years carrying low grade doubles which are choked too tightly and have too much drop. And we shall await a second coming that none deserve, for we are unworthy. What sacrifices might appease The Great Gnomoron?

In the meantime, will someone please call DrBob (our resident gastroenterologist) for I am splitting my gut.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.