In my post, I deliberately stayed away from the constitutional issues on this. I never stated that these guns should be "outlawed," in fact I said something just the opposite. I made my argument from the point of view that I have a hard time understanding the use of assault weapons as a sporting arm. I am sure rocket propelled grenades would be pretty effective on prarie dogs as well, but I would also find them to be lacking as a sporting arm.

Many of you will disagree with me over this. I can tell you that as a lifelong hunter, I feel uncomfortable when I meet hunters in the woods during deer season that are dressed and armed like it is a special ops event. I did not grow up in that sort of a tradtion. Maybe todays young people will feel differently about this and that is their privilege.

I do believe that our sport is freguently at risk. I think as hunters and sportsmen, sometimes we need to look at our own behaviors and how we present ourselves to the public. Our constitution has been amended before and it can be amended again. I would hate to think that we have brought any loss of firearms privileges upon ourselves through our own short-sightedness.

As far as Mr. Zumbo's programs on tv go, I will not miss them. Most of these hunting programs seem to be just about filling tags. That is a kind of hunting I left behind in my youth.

Sorry for ruffling feathers. I am one of you, but I do not always agree with you.

Ed Pirie
West Topsham, Vermont