Mr. Pirie: It seems to me you have missed the point entirely. I'm a hunter, target shooter, former law enforcement firearms instructor and strong supporter of the 2nd Amentment. I have never felt the need for an AR-15 or similar firearm with which to hunt, or even shoot targets. I do, however, support those who do. For large game hunting, my M-70 Winchester .30-06 or M-94 .30-30 have served me well and I see no need to change. That said, the choice of an AR-15, SKS, AK-47 clone or whathaveyou, is up to the individual. That individual may hunt with whatever legal firearm he chooses so far as I am concerned, as long as he/she remains a careful, safe and ethical hunter. I will follow the same practice with my choice(s).

The bottom line to this whole arguement is simply that, as has been stated very eloquently earlier in this thread, it is imperative that we shooters and hunters present a positive united front to the anti-gun zealots. As Franklin said, "We must all hang together or we shall assuredly hang separately".

You shoot the guns you like, and I shall do likewise, and hopefully we will move in the same direction to stop those who would relieve us of ALL of our firearms.


Ed Stabler

Keep outa the wire...