Originally Posted By: italiansxs
... I also don't know why you folks from places like California and New Jersey haven't bombarded the BATF and your Congressmen with complaints of their refusing to abide by C&R requirements....

As someone who once spent a couple hours in someone's living room listening to Senator Lautenberg (look up his stance on gun control sometime) talk about stuff (mostly about how great he is/was and why his being a senator was a reflection of the natural order of the universe), and who lived in NJ longer than anyone should be required to, I can tell you a couple things about talking to those pols - and that applies to pols of all parties (it's a matter of degree, not difference).

1. If you complain that the rules they've imposed on possessing and buying guns are too onerous, they'll smile, tell you it's for everyone's good, and complement themselves that things are working as intended. Talking to them is a waste of time. Their minds, such as they are, are made up and nothing will change them.
2. Pols in NJ regularly make pronouncements about how they want to further restrict guns, usually in the aftermath of some knucklehead doing something dumb or out of anger. They get big applause for this. They take that to mean they're right.
3. I sat on a grand jury once, and there were more than a couple people who'd almost beg for more charges to pile on a defendant if the word "gun" was even mentioned in the testimony. That's how thoroughly they were propagandized.
4. If you want to get a purchaser's card, you pretty much have to sign away all your rights, such that the police can come in and poke through your life and house any time for any reason or no reason at all.

Best thing to do: move to another state.

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