"And Ernst Rohm was pre- SS (schutzstaffelin) or "protective echelon" and Hitler had himshot him in 1934, fearing his rise with the S, and overt homosexuality, which Hitler abhored, would overrun Hitler's plans- and to also teach: Goering, Himmler, Goebbels, Bormann and Heydrich a very visible lesson."

Nice to see you changed the date in your above post to the correct year. grin
However your post is still in error. Rohm was head of the SS as well as the SA at one time. He wore a unique dagger,believed to have been destroyed after his murder, that had both the SS and SA insignias set into the wood grip.

As an aside:

The "Rohm" SS Honor Dagger" was only produced and given out to select SS members for a short 3 months and most of them had the Rohm dedication ground off in accordance with an edict issued on July 1,1934. This makes it a very rare dagger and unground examples which surface occasionally will command around $20,000.

The 2nd Amendment IS an unalienable right.