Jim: It's better than talking about daggers...... smile


For high altitude carpet bombing, Gee (Hyperbolic Navigation) was better at night than dead reckoning.....

1. A Gee set provided an accurate fix from an altitude 10,000 feet or more at a range of up to 400 miles....NOT N.O.E.....

2. Gee was an accurate short range system used over the UK and was good before the summer of 1944 primarily for returning aircraft who had difficulty finding their base....

3. Eventually ,post D-Day after mobile chains were installed in France, it was used for high altitude carpet bombing of German cities at night...

4. The very first Gee system used on the continent was a short range mobile unit used for the first time at Foggia, Italy on 24 May 1944....

5. Gee was designed by Robert Dippy at TRE and was initially designed to help make night missions safer for the Lancasters. Gee was then tested to increase the destructiveness of nightime bombing by the Lancasters FOR LARGE FIXED TARGETS, like cities bombed at night.....

I don't think any bombers or fighters, of any type, used Gee while on the deck approaching to and from Ploiesti or on the way in or out of Libya or Italy for that matter ON ANY OF THE RAIDS.....if that's what we're still talking about.........

All my old friends, many now dead, who flew in WWII (fighters and bombers of all kinds) have said that navigation was a nightmare at best.....second only to mid-air collisions on re-forms and initial forming.....
