Oh, I don't worry about the levee, per say, Joe-it's more of a hypothetical discussion thing-when you become more refined in your reading skills and use of the board, it will be much easier for you to spot. I have plenty of guns, (the only autos are .22s, mostly for the kids to use at gun safety classes) but, I seriously doubt anybody has much to fear from them-even the real lefties, no shortage of those here in MN.
What I truly fear, is stumbling on a really fat, beer gutted, camo wearing turkey hunter, with a double, in the woods, in the middle of a coronary event. 'Cause, I know, I'll have to begin treatment for same, and the thought 'kinda grosses me out. So, I'll kick at him for a while, before I get started in earnest.

So, did you draw a turkey tag this season?