I am surprised at the transparent anti gun attitudes expressed by some of our posters. I can understand not personally "liking" some fellow who doesn't present the correct image when he shoots his AR or AK. I can't see the attitude that includes taking it away from him or making it illegal for him to own it. Maybe some government agency some day will get real close to taking away my AK or my A-5. However, who is going to take away the multi-million dollar track vehicle and artillery collection from someone who is a major political contributor and probably has a nine figure checking account. The "fat cats" are not going to be lie down victims of anyone's confiscation program. If you want to take my 1100 away or outlaw its ownership, someone has to go and try to take away the privately owned GE miniguns and the operational Shermans. Are our anti gunners on this site afraid of those too?