Cultural Gapitis -- notable in about any field of interest, nowadays.

"It's all about me. The world revolves around me. Everything in the world should subject to my whim, and that Rembrandt in corner needs a fresh coat of paint."

Western Civ has done took a severe nose-dive, gents, as the examples you cite nauseatingly illustrate. The sense of culture and history that you represent is obsolete as a Gibbs-Farqueson .303 down at the Plastic Gun Matches.

I do, however, keep an appropriately representative mid-Century Poly-choked firearm: a 20 ga Mossberg bolt action, in steel and walnut. It's presence reminds me of where and when a great many of us started, in this life-long and integral part of our identity.

It's surprisingly handy, too, for all it's screamingly contradictory aesthetics. A determined kid could learn to effectively shoot skeet with one: did, in fact.

You have justification for your disgust and anger, but the New Techno-Barbarianism is simply a fact of ongoing history. We and our quaint artifacts may become a curiosity unreachable as the Titanic: 'long time gone'.

Relax; we're all experts here.