I agree with not modifying vintage guns to an extent but I've seen too many shooters show up with their Snooty & Snooty double from wherever, from whatever year, that they can't hit the broad side of a barn with because the damn thing doesn't fit worth a shit, or it's choked so tight it shoots like a laser beam. Oh I can't cut the stock I'll ruin it, I can't open the chokes I'll ruin it. Really? The whole reason these guns were made was to be shot, if they can't serve that purpose what's the point? It's great that they fit some 5'5" portly nobleman 120 years ago who shot poor quality shells but that really doesn't do you much good now does it? The amount of money some folks will spend on guns they can't shoot baffles me. Well at least it looks good. No wait, maybe it is better to wrap three ace bandages around that Parker so it's shootable, that's much more befitting of a vintage gun.

Porting on the other hand? No defense there.

Last edited by Glocksig; 04/19/12 10:18 AM.