I'm of the camp that believes if it is owned by someone, he can do as he pleases with it.

This brings to mind some instances where real estate was purchased by private parties and they had plans to demo or remodel the properties, only to be stopped by people without a nickel invested by voting/pressuring etc., for regulation to "preserve" the property as 'historic', 'landmark' or some other such reason, all after someone had invested a huge amount of money. In one case that comes to mind, the party purchased a dwelling near the beach and was stopped from demo and building a new dwelling by "concerned citizens" at a city council meeting. Permits were withheld and the property declared a landmark or some such nonsense. The purchaser sued the city for the loss of value/utility by the declaration after his purchase.

So if some yahoo wants to saw the barrels off his old double that happens to be an Optimus, he has my support to chose to do so. I still would think him an idiot.