
I am 6'4" as well. I am sorry you had to buy a gun that someone adjusted by cutting. I have never bought a gun with a recoil pad or one that had any other metal or wood removal and I never will. I do not care to spend my money for other peoples adjustments. Too many nice uncut guns available.

The appearance of a recoil pad or extension looks to me just like what it after thought........that is my opinion. Some people can deal with it and think they look good, others could care less either way, so be it......then again some people really dislike them and think they look like shit, so be it. Just the way it is Steve.

I use a slip on leather pad often, but remove it when I'm done shooting.....there are NO guns in my gun safe with recoil pads and never will be so that leaves more for the people who like them......I buy the guns that I like and you buy the guns that you like......if I see alterations I look no further......

I could care less what people do to their guns BTW, it just happens to be the topic here..........

It is probably a real bonus actually that folks butcher them up, because the result is that the value of the "uncut" guns of all types has gone through the roof.........

Gun owners have been doing this kind of stuff for a long time. As an example, look at all the nice old Winchester lever guns and bolt guns that have had extra holes drilled everywhere because the receiver sight salesman and all the sight ads did their job many years ago..............................everybody has an opinion on everything and that is as it should be......
