Rabbit and Jack:

Anti armor mines are easily come by in a fight such as that described in Afghan land. Same thing with light ADA systems. It is still light infantry conducting essentially light infantry operations on the militia model.

Popular support is essential to the popular uprising succeeding. As I said earlier, the Founders did not see that as a few guys from the gun club saving the nation from tyranny.

Outside support and funding is great too, but I suspect the Muj would have won anyway.

As for Soviet bankruptcy, that was at the end of the Reagan years. They were doing ( at least to outside observers) apparently ok up to then. Their military certainly was not suffering from incapacity.



Texas Declaration of Independence 1836 -The Indictment against the dictatorship, Para.16:"It has demanded us to deliver up our arms, which are essential to our defence, the rightful property of freemen, and formidable only to tyrannical governments."