Very good info given above. "Helice" was patented by Verney-Carron, a French gunmaker that's very much still in business. Refers to the bolting system, as explained by Pete's diagrams above.

Highly unlikely that the name on the bottom of the gun was the maker, but rather the retailer as Dave points out. What you have is what's often referred to as a "guild" gun, made by outworkers in the trade in St. Etienne. Same system existed in Liege, Belgium; Suhl, Germany; and Birmingham, England--although the Brits usually put a "maker's" name on the gun, even if all the "maker" really did was finish it, or maybe just sell it.

Ted's probably a little low on price, although French guns are still a bargain. And the "Helice" system guns are solid as rocks.