Originally Posted By: canvasback
The legal erosion of the 2cd amendment happens at the hands of the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court's members are appointed by the President.

Thus it doesn't matter who else supports the 2cd amendment, leftist or tea party member, it's the President that counts, if he has appointments to the Supreme Court to make.

Obama is anti gun and his administration will happily break the law with lethal consequences (fast and furious) to further his anti gun stance.

As an outsider, the conclusion is obvious. As Keith says, a vote for Obama is a vote against guns and against the US Constitution.

There are two primary dangers to our constitional rights should Obama get a second term:
1. As a lame duck facing no more elections he no longer will have to pursue the abolishment of the 2nd Amendment and the institution of severe firearms ownership restrictions "under the radar". A real concern should he regain control of the House.
2. He is ONE Supreme Court appointment away,should one of the conservative justices retire ,from reversing Heller vs. Washington and negating the decision that the 2nd Amendment is an individual right.
Another Ginsburg, Kagan,Sotomayor appointment etc. would set the tone of the Court for years and I suspect we would lose far more than our firearms rights.

He needs to go period. An if some of the liberals who supported him in 2008 agree all the better.

The 2nd Amendment IS an unalienable right.