Dave in Maine; you twist my post. It was simple; just wondering if anyone here is keeping count.. Oh, nevermind, you can go read it again if you want to know what it says.
Jeweler, there are always two sides. But this is mine. Saw it advertised here. Emailed & talked with the fella; asked all the right questions; agreed on price & details. He shipped to my FFL. When I went to pick it up, when the FFL unpackaged it, it could be easily seen by anyone's wife or daughter that the description and the item didn't match.
I called him before even picking the thing up. Described what my eyes and the FFL and his wife's eyes saw. He acted shocked that anyone wouldn't like such a pristine condition beauty (his side), versus a well used 30" field or duck gun showing much use (my side).
He told me to ship it back; he would refund my monies. I never even did the paperwork, having the FFL ship it back as it arrived.
From there is was dozens of phone calls to him, dozens and dozens of put offs & excuses why he didn't refund my funds. Most reasons surrounded hard times. We agreed on partial payments over time. That didn't work so well.

A BATF agent, say his name is John, contacted him; had a good talk with him. The guy told the agent he would take the gun to Cabela's, sell it to them and refund my money. Two weeks later, no money.
Daryl, I found out by calling Cabela's myself. Explained the situation the the GR manager; he told me he recently purchased a model 21 from this individual. I described the gun in detail; he agreed I was describing the one he had purchased from this fella.

It's been a couple of years. No, I have not gotten my money back.
There have not been many model 21's listed here if you want to know his name.