To tell the truth, I am slightly afraid to even post on this subject.
I have loved guns my whole life and I ain't no spring chicken. Yet, I have always been troubled by the gun violence in this free land of ours. And, it does seem that the knee jerk reactions of the anti-gun crowd and the opposite knee jerk reaction from the "pry it from my cold dead fingers" crowd miss the point.
So, to what do we attribute the firearm violence in the U.S.? Isn't that what the anti gun crowd is really concerned about? And, shouldn't those of us who love guns also have some concern? Why does a country like Canada have a very well armed population, at least as far as long arm hunting weapons, and yet, have a miniscule firearm crime rate?
Is there any way to legislate or educate or somethingate the U.S. population to stop the unbelievable gun violence we live with every single day? Anyone care to try a discourse on that?
Or, am I missing the point? Is this just about some imagined need for an armed insurrection against some facist government that is gonna come and git us?
Best, Jake

R. Craig Clark