Everyone has some different view and experience with CCH. I feel like we have a tendency to mystify this process in gun circles because of the visual aspects of what it provides rather than the mechanical properties it provides.

Everyone should try to level set with some form of reference that is a good baseline and then take individual information as necessary to further your understanding.

The key here is that first and foremost case hardening is a heat treatment process for low carbon steels. First understand how they did it then and now.

From there you can work out how to translate the extra effort to get to CCH, which just adds the colors.

Get a baseline from some place like Wikipedia or buy a book on the heat treatment of metals.


Then add to it:


I love these forums but in all the posts it can sometimes be hard to put all the different parts provided by different knowledgeable folks into the right order to fully see the puzzle you are trying to build and solve. Take a step back and find a reference that allows you to level set so when reading all the good posts you can put them into the right order.
