Originally Posted By: AmarilloMike
Originally Posted By: Dick_dup1
I will find a copy of Marks.

Dick it was actually by two authors. The other one was something like Baumeister. I bought it new in 1978.



I perused Marks 10th Edition today at my library and looked at the sections on steel and on beams.
I could not find any discussion on calculating or measuring yield stress with a work hardened surface. If you can point me to a section, I will try to find it in a copy. Please include the edition and page number(s) as I am sure the UW Mechanical EngineeringDepartment will have copies archived.
In any event it is a moot point as I don't believe any of this information was available or used by the designers of the Fox shotgun at the turn of the century(1900) or so.
The original question concered whether it was safe to shoot a Fox with an annealed frame.
The correct answer would be yes because the steel was in a mild condition to start with and the lack of case hardening does nothing to the strength of the reciever.-Dick