Yeah, Baumgarten the DR must have had some "slight" head of the stock damage and in 1934 a repair was attempted.

Finally, after searching & searching I finally stumbled across a late 1872 advert of W. Foerster touting his dubbed title of HofBüchsenmacher. So by 1871, or very early 1872, W. Foerster received his Royal Warrant while at Berlin Taubenstraße 45.

Jagdgewehre und Gerätschaften(?) Patronen in allen Calibern(??) empfiehlt

Heinrich Barella, H. Leue & Fritz Timpe, W. Foerster, A. Berger, C.B. Merrem, who was peddling Val. Chr. Schilling's wares, along with Franz Xaver Baader all were at this time firmly holding to the Lefaucheux platform for their sporting weapons as it was the staple. Johann Paul Miller(Miller & Greiss) hung out his gunmaking shingle in 1868 and acquired the Franz Xaver Baader firm in 1873, one year prior to Baader's death. Makes one wonder if he was a son-in-law.

Kind Regards,
