Originally Posted By: jack maloney
As Attorney General under Lyndon Johnson, Ramsey Clark...oversaw the first federal gun-control law to be enacted in over thirty years - the 1968 Gun Control Act.

Not to mention that the Gun Control Act of 1968 is a near verbatim copy of the Nazi Weapons Law 1938. Sen. Thomas Dodd (D-CT) who wrote the Gun Control Act 1968 was part of the legal team that prosecuted the Nazis at Nuremburg(sp). Dodd's duties were to review the Nazi laws. In the transcripts of a Senate sub-committee hearing on the Gun Control Act of 1968, there is a letter from Lewis C. Coffin, who was a law librarian at the Library of Congress, returning a translated copy of the Nazi Weapon Law of 1938 and the original document supplied by Dodd to his office.

Last edited by JM; 02/26/07 05:20 PM.