The opening lever on an R model Darne will politely sit about 1/2 of an inch in the raised position, with mild spring tension against one's thumb, either hand. Raised in such a fashion, the gun is out of battery, and won't/can't fire, and it is simple to simply close the lever with the same movement one would use to slide a tang safety forward, right at the flush. When one is taking a break, or if you move your thumb, spring tension raises the lever a bit further up. Some very high mileage R patent guns will actually slide open if the muzzle is in the up position, but, one typically has to physically open an R patent gun. It is further very simple to relocate the safety lever on an R model Darne, one can pull it out and relocate it to the other side of the breech, and if you are ambitious, file a flat on the axle to indicate the new safe position. The very few R model Darnes with a push button safety can't be so modified.
A V or P patent gun typically has much more tension on closing, and this method for safe carry simply isn't useful for this design.
I told Geno about this method, and he posted that it was impossible for him to do-at which point I ( jokingly, I thought ) posted this simply proved beyond any doubt that he was always picked last for any team sports as a kid. The seething outburst that came after indicated I might have hit the nail a little too hard on the head...
