OK. I responded to the OP's topic as best I could. Now I'll respond to the secondary toipic running through the thread.

I must be a nutty old fart since I like the vast majority of trap shooters I've met; can't say the same for most Canadians. And I don't think I'd get along well with Texans who have the attention span of a 4 year old.

I hunt birds with a SxS that was likely sold in a hardware store. I've never had a gun fitting, much less ordered a shotgun, but I can hit almost everything I shoot at and don't make excuses for what I miss. I'm not averse to backing up claims of my shooting prowess with cash bets.

That's probably crass, but then, I despise brown likker, don't know what the hell single malt means and get nauseus at the smell of cigar smoke. If it intrudes my space and I can't escape it, I get downright beligerant.

English setters are OK, though I've never met one with more personality than your average zombie posesses; the 2 I hunted with for 15 years certainly didn't. I've gathered that other pointing breeds aren't even worthy of mention, so I won't. I'm apalled at the thought of anything around a dog's neck that has a battery in it. Still, they'd be my first choice for catch and release with a butterfly net. Now that I'm an anal retentive old fart, it seems unsporting to me to actually shoot a bird rendered completely defenseless by taking away it's surprise flush. IMO, shooting pointed birds is not that far removed from ground swatting, something I also tried in my misspent youth and now regret. Nowadays, I only shoot flying objects for fun. Competing is fun for those who can....for others, not so much.

Last edited by mike campbell; 06/19/12 07:25 PM.